Our History
Plano Community Forum was founded by Ken Chestnut, Fred Moses, Al Schexnayder, and Cecil Starks on December 10, 1981 in response to a need for African Americans to get involved in the Plano Community; as well as to create a forum to honor and recognize the achievements of African Americans in Plano.
Plano Community Forum has always promoted community involvement and recognized the accomplishments of those in the Plano community. As a result of this passion, PCF sponsored and co-sponsored many events in the city including, but not limited to, the citywide Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration weekend.
PCF has been a voice in the community for four decades. When there are queries in the community you can be certain that Plano Community Forum leaders are at the tables of discussion.
Today the Forum is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic organization that continues to support cultural enrichment in the community and educational opportunities for minority students while continuing to be a voice for the people in the City of Plano.
Our Founders
Their Story
A planning meeting of Plano citizens was held on December 10, 1981 at the home of Mr. Cecil Starks. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Fred Moses acting Chairperson at approximately 8:30 P.M. The invocation was omitted and a brief summary of committees, actions, and ideas discussed at previous planning meetings was rendered by the acting Chairperson.
There were nine (9) persons present.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead